Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Are you Ready Yet?

The back-to-School rush seems to be heating up here at Academic Avenue.  Are you ready to go back?  I've had so many teachers in here getting supplies to make games, decorate classrooms, attending our Make & Take Workshops, and they already seem  rushed.  Organize now and you won't stress later.  Such dedicated people!

I've been having a great time surfing Pinterest.  It's a social media site I can really wrap my head around!  No viscious comments, information overshare, or drama.  Just great, useful information!  I don't understand why you have to have an invitation, but if any of my customers aren't on there yet and want one, just email or facebook me.  One of my customers invited me and that's how I got started.  You can really lose track of time, so be careful.  I have to limit myself or I'll get nothing done. 

For those of you not familiar with Pinterest, you can get great information on organization, education, recipes, fashion, travel, you name it.  You can organize your own Pinterest wall into boards and pin the different ideas from other people onto those boards.  You can follow people if they seem to have the most similar interests.  I've been collecting all kinds of things on education so my customers and friends will be privy to these great educational ideas.  Feel free to follow!

Don't waste the rest of your summer!  Map out the things you'd like to get done before you start school and just take it a day at a time.  Have some fun and Happy Pinning!

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