Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Summer Vacation

What I'm not going to miss about school is the daily battle to get my student out of bed every day. However, I don't know how on earth I'll get him up before I leave for work? Ah never-ending battles. It's always something isn't it?

I made an effort every summer to keep my children learning until they went back to school. Believe me, that was a battle, too. Lots of parents are coming in to my store and are worried about the same thing. When I was in school, I really didn't need much help with homework from my parents because we worked hard in school and pretty much worked on lessons until the whole class understood them. Parents had the mindset that they were paying taxes and they were sending kids to school to learn there. Why should they have to do it at home?

That isn't the case any more. Parents absolutely must work with children in order for them to succeed. Teachers are bogged down with impossible deadlines and benchmarks. They don't have the time to stop for each child. Not to mention, class sizes aren't what they used to be.
Kids need us now more than ever. If you have questions about what you could be doing at home to help your child learn, my phone line is always open. You don't have to spend anything to get information out of me. I'm happy to give ideas out over the phone or via email.
Whatever keeps them learning!

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