Friday, July 29, 2011

Organizational Tips

I raised four children and at one point in time they were all in different schools. Remembering a teachers name by the time they had six each was out of the question. I was also working full time and going to school. The following tips are good for parents and/or teachers:

Color Coding - I kept different colored folders and highlighters for each child. School papers for each child and homework to be checked and turned in went into the folders. Events on the calendar were highlighted for each child in their color. This kept the confusion out of which school to go to for each event or what was due for whom.

Tips for Paperwork - I have a rule. If I put my hands on it I take care of it right then and there. That means when I get mail, I open it, file it, pitch it....right then and there. No piles!

File System - I have file folders labeled: "bills to be paid", "orders to be processed", "Invoices to be processed", etc. These are for tasks I can't get to right away. These should never be ignored - they just enable you to put your hands on something until you complete the task. It's harder to find something in a pile. The label names can be changed to "papers to be graded", "notes to go home", "permission slips", etc. You get the idea. Just don't forget they are there!

Time Saver - How often do you check your email, facebook, twitter accounts? Think about how much time you actually spend. Limit your time to just a couple of times a day. Try making a chart with times on it and assign certain times of day to checking these things. List out tasks that need to be done for the day on the chart and allow enough time for unplanned events that take you away from the task at hand. You'll be amazed at how much you get done and what a sense of accomplishment you have when tasks are completed.

Cleaning - Sometimes you don't have time to give the house a good cleaning but you can keep it looking neat. When you go into a room, grab anything that belongs in the next room you plan to visit or rooms along the way. Straighten anything out of place while you are in a room.

Hope these tips keep some sanity in your life!

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